Photovoltaikzubau in Deutschland 1,45 Gigawatt
Gemäß Datenmeldungen bei der Bundesnetzagentur wurden 2015 in Deutschland nur rund 1,45 GW an Photovoltaikanlagen Leistung errichtet.1.02.2016: Die in Deutschland im Jahr 2015 neu registrierte Photovoltaikleistung betrug im Dezember 144,6 Megawatt (November: 69,7 Megawatt). Darin enthalten sind 27,41 Megawatt Freilfächenanlagen. Im Dezember 2014 lag die neu installierte Gesamtleistung bei 107,6 Megawatt Damit wurden im gesamten Jahr 2015 lediglich 1,45 Gigawatt Photovoltaikleistung neu installiert, weit weniger als die Zielvorgabe von 2,4 bis 2,6 Gigawatt ermöglicht hätte. Zum Vergleich: 2014 waren es noch 1,89 Gigawatt, 2012 sogar 7,27 Gigawatt.) Kumuliert waren Ende Dezember 39,69 Gigawatt Solarstromleistung am Netz. © PHOTON
1.02.2016: Germany registered new PV systems with a combined capacity of 144.6 MW in December 2015, according to new figures from the German Federal Network Agency. This capacity includes 27.41 MW of ground-mounted PV systems that were included in the register for renewable energy installations from Mar. 1, 2015. In December 2014, the country registered new PV systems totaling 107.6 MW, while in November 2015 the newly installed PV capacity was of 69.7 MW. The country added only 1.45 GW of new PV capacity in full year 2015. From January through December 2014, Germany registered 1.89 GW. In 2013, the new PV capacity was of 3.14 GW and in 2012, the country added 7.27 GW of PV power. This year’s result is significantly below the annual solar target established by the country's renewable energy law, 2.4 to 2.6 GW. Germany’s cumulative installed PV capacity reached about 39.69 GW at the end of December. © PHOTON
1.02.2016: La Germania ha registrato nuovi impianti fotovoltaici per 144,6 megawatt a dicembre, facendo registrare un aumento rispetto ai 107 megawatt del dicembre del 2014 e ai 70 megawatt del novebre del 2015. Secondo le ultime statistiche pubblicate dall’operatore di rete tedesco Bundesnetzagentur, il nuovo installato per il 2015 è stato di 1,45 gigawatt, mentre nel 2014 il nuovo installato era stato di 1,83 gigawatt. Tale risultato è nettamente inferior rispetto all’obiettivo fissato dal governo Tedesco che è compreso tra 2,4 e 2,6 gigawatt. La potenza fotovoltaica cumulata installata a fine di dicembre in Germania ha raggiunto circa 39,69 gigawatt. © PHOTON